[Info-vax] September 6, 2016 - new Roadmap and State of the Port updates now on VSI website

Craig A. Berry craigberry at nospam.mac.com
Sun Sep 11 10:48:13 EDT 2016

On 9/11/16 8:31 AM, IanD wrote:

> Is gnu released as part of OpenVMS now? Isn't it a separate
> download?  Why? Why isn't it part of the standard OpenVMS distribution and install?

I assume you mean GNV, not gnu? Some of it is probably covered by GPLv3
now and might pose problems for inclusion with the base OS. But,
generally speaking, yes, why not? Apple has something like 200 open
source packages distributed with macOS, which is close to two orders of
magnitude more than VMS has without extra installations.

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