[Info-vax] VMS and the Internet of Things (IoT)

Paul Sture nospam at sture.ch
Sun Sep 11 17:20:21 EDT 2016

On 2016-09-11, Simon Clubley <clubley at remove_me.eisner.decus.org-Earth.UFP> wrote:

> PS: Please fix your line wrapping. You currently look as if you are
> typing on a VIC20. :-)

For those wondering what a VIC20 was:


"The VIC-20 (Germany: VC-20;[3] Japan: VIC-1001) is an 8-bit home
computer that was sold by Commodore Business Machines. The VIC-20 was
announced in 1980,[4] roughly three years after Commodore's first
personal computer, the PET. The VIC-20 was the first computer of any
description to sell one million units"


It was untidy, so got unplugged.
It was unplugged, so got thrown away.

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