[Info-vax] OpenVMS Boot Camp

Jan-Erik Soderholm jan-erik.soderholm at telia.com
Thu Sep 15 05:16:47 EDT 2016

Den 2016-09-15 kl. 10:07, skrev Baldrick:
>> That looks relly good! What is the latest about providing hand-outs of
>> the presentations after the Boot Camp? Or to make the presentations
>> available on-line (or as later video and/or sound recordings)?
>> Jan-Erik.
> I'm presenting and still tweaking my presentation for mostly timing
> reasons. I am making my own recording of my session and will make it
> available, my policy is that attendees to my session can video / audio
> record and photograph if they so wish. It will be the closest to stand
> up "serious" comedy I have so far done! I've always tried to include
> some humour  in any presentations I have given (for HPUG, internally,
> etc) and (audio) recorded them.
> Baldrick aka Mr. C.P. Charges but nicholas to my mother!


That is perfect, of course. I'd hoped for some coordinated
effort from the organizers of the event. We'll see... :-)


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