[Info-vax] Closing Shop - Free Equipment kednos.com

Tom Linden tomljlinden at gmail.com
Fri Sep 16 19:43:01 EDT 2016

Have lots of stuff!, much of it very reliable, cluster ran unattended during 2015 whilst I was living in Switzerland including several power outages

2 ES45
2 DS20E
4 DS10L
4 PWS600
4 XP1000
VAX 4000  106 & 90
DS5000 Ultrix
1 ZX6000
3 2620 Itanium
HSG80 (174GB drives)
2 Brocade Fibre switches
(Most of the systems have redundant Fibre cards and redundant ethernet cards)
3 Cisco Ethernet switches
2 Cisco routers
2 Xyplex console
DLT tape carousel drive
Lots of new tapes
2 5KW UPS's
lots of cabling
BA356 differential controllers and cabling
a number of complete doc sets for various versions of VMS and Tru64 in original leather albumns

This is off the top of my head, have lots of various spares 

Can not ship, need to be picked up Pacific Grove, CA

No more PL/I hobbyist licenses.

the DS20E s were used for Alta Visit

Contact me off line plitomljl at gmail dot com


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