[Info-vax] Updated HPE/VSI OpenVMS V8.4-2L1 Marketing Brochures

IanD iloveopenvms at gmail.com
Fri Sep 30 19:05:00 EDT 2016

As to the tomb from wence I made my escape...

The system was an order provisioning  system, developed using corba. Pretty impressive for its time and the fact that it runs today and had even had 4G mobile aspects configured within it at the application level speaks volumes of the great minds who developed it in the first place to enable to to be future configured even though the code base has not been touched in more than 10-15 years. 
This is a telco system that is customer interfacing too and unless people have been living under a rock, telecommunications has seen enormous changes in the past 10 years. I don't see SAP and the likes running on a decade old code base...

The company I escaped from was an Indian IT outsourcing company and one that is growing rapidly, especially in europe etc

Let's just say my experience there was interesting. Having come from EDS/HP for shy of 20 years to an Indian based company was not an experience I ever wish to repeat

Management styles are a world, no, a universe apart. Concepts like autonomy, empowerment etc are all foreign concepts really. Everything is really driven from India. Management styles I would say are at a mid 80's timeframe and the whole middle management layer are really struggling moving beyond a top down command and control style. I'm getting shivers up my spine thinking about it. 

They do however promote learning, although the quality level of learning is rather low but it features heavily their ethos. The very top level management is really forward focused and heavily western educated and are pushing things at a faster pace than I ever saw in HP, but the inertia of the middle level is just grinding everything to a halt and it's also impeded greatly because they are so lean that they are over focused on cost to the point we're they do stupid things like let people use old equipment that's well past its productive life but because it still works and isn't broken, then it isn't replaced, so you have a workforce using tools that get slower and less productive over time with no policy to speed up that productivity on the hardware side

They also come from a model that's people number rich. Want to get something done faster, throw more people at the problem. Western based tends to say, what can we do smarter with the same resources. Having said this, India's IT sector is tightening, it's not as lucrative anyhow for job opportunities, consequently, they are investing big dollars in machine learning, automation and pushing very hard towards systems that not just report on errors or even fix then when they arise but head them off proactivly. I didn't see anything in HP when I was there that rivaled what these people are trying to achieve, but it's been a while since I was in HP, who knows what they have been withing in since I left

The saying "People leave management not organisations" is never truer than in my case...

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