[Info-vax] Updated HPE/VSI OpenVMS V8.4-2L1 Marketing Brochures

David Froble davef at tsoft-inc.com
Sat Sep 17 10:22:21 EDT 2016

IanD wrote:

> In time, HPE will be the second class citizen. How quickly that happens I
> think will be a function of how fast VSI can deliver items that matter to
> customers and how viable those customers platforms are in their strategic
> business going forward. If they are just turn-key systems sitting in a corner
> earmarked for eventual death, then I suspect they will remain in the HPE side
> of the fence for a very long time unless VSI give some dam good incentives
> for moving off a zero cost or probably close to zero cost environment

If a customer will not give VSI a reason to work with them, ie; they are going 
to be purchasing stuff, even if it's only service, (did I really write "only 
service"?) then I doubt VSI will be working with them.

So yeah, if someone has a system just sitting there doing a job, and has no real 
concept of "value" in VMS, that's all that will happen.

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