[Info-vax] What would you miss if DECnet got the chop? Was: "bad select 38" (OpenSSL on VMS)

Scott Dorsey kludge at panix.com
Sun Sep 18 15:38:50 EDT 2016

David Froble  <davef at tsoft-inc.com> wrote:
>I don't have any Solaris.
>I don't have any *ix.

You're in the minority, sadly.

>This is what DECnet does for me.  It can do more, but this one example is good 
>$ DISK0:
>$ backup/image/noalias/ignore=(LABEL,INTERLOCK) DISK0: -
>         AS800::DISK2:[BACKUP]DFE90A_DISK0.BCK /save_set
>$ DISK1:
>$ backup/image/noalias/ignore=(LABEL,INTERLOCK) DISK1: -
>         AS800::DISK2:[BACKUP]DFE90A_DISK1.BCK /save_set
>Ok, now that considered a utility, similar to DIRECTORY, SUBMIT, and such.  Why 
>argue for one and want to do away with the other?

I'm not.  I'm arguing for the ability to do exactly the same thing with no
changes (perhaps not even a syntax change) but with the underlying mechanism
standardized and compatible with other systems.

"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."

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