[Info-vax] What would you miss if DECnet got the chop? Was: "bad select 38" (OpenSSL on VMS)

Johnny Billquist bqt at softjar.se
Tue Sep 20 06:36:17 EDT 2016

On 2016-09-19 20:51, Dirk Munk wrote:
> Some mentioned that Multinet has it too. That is incorrect, Multinet has
> to translate DECnet phase IV names & addresses into IP DNS names. You
> have to set up such a translation table.

That is bollocks.
There are no translation table. You have DECnet circuits, who just use 
IP as the transport mechanism, instead of DDCMP, or ethernet, or 
whatever other transport you can think of.
At VMS, this is totally invisible. You set up the circuit, and then in 
DECnet, you just have a connection between two phase IV nodes, just like 
if you had run a cable between them. There is nothing more to it.

> I have no idea what happens if the remote node has a different DECnet
> address the you have in your translation table.

I have no idea what you are talking about.

> Suppose you set up a translation entry for DECnet node ABC with DECnet
> address 5.1 and DNS name remote.away.com.
> However remote.away.com has DECnet address 10.1, will the communication
> fail? I expect it will.
> So Multinet uses tunneling, whereas DECnet Phase V does not.

You are just talking nonsense. You do not tell, at the local machine, 
what the DECnet address of the remote machine is. No more than you do 
that with any kind of circuit.

Stop spreading disinformation when you obviously don't know anything.


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