[Info-vax] implementing IPv6 on the internet

Scott Dorsey kludge at panix.com
Wed Sep 21 10:09:11 EDT 2016

Jan-Erik Soderholm  <jan-erik.soderholm at telia.com> wrote:
>Do you have any reference to such an router? I'd just like
>to read up some on what it looks like in the router GUI
>then doing the config work.

Check the manual that came with your home router, it likely has the 

>And what about some non-technical customer that just would
>like to have access to some IPv6 home security device?
>Is it easy enough for non-technical people to use?

It is WAY easier than using some dyndns horror to make a dynamic
internal address have a fixed fqdn.  WAY easier.  You can't believe
how much easier.

>Today, that is solved by having the device announcing itself
>to some publicaly available server where the user from the
>"outside" can get the IP and port to access the device.
>Like TeamViewer does today.

Which means NOW your system becomes dependent on some external server
and on connectivity to that server.  Yucch.

>I guess there will be similar solutions using IPv6 also,
>since that is much easier to use for non-tech people.
>You never see or have to know any IP addresses at all.

Back in the late eighties we got dns so that you wouldn't ever need to
know any IP addresses.  And that worked pretty well until the congestion
got bad and people started having to use cheesy workarounds like dynamic
addressing and NAT.  Once those workarounds go away, we'll be back in a
world of straight DNS.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."

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