[Info-vax] VSI and Process Software announcement

Hunter Goatley goathunter at goatley.com
Wed Sep 21 12:33:28 EDT 2016

On 9/21/2016 9:47 AM, Jan-Erik Soderholm wrote:
> Anyway, I could not find a way to create similar
> network devices using Multinet. At least not using
> the telnet part of Multinet.

 From the online help for MultiNet:

                  [,NAME=logical_name] -
                  [,TABLE=logical_name_table] -
                  [,MODE={EXECUTIVE|SUPERVISOR}] -
             [/PORT=target-TCP-port] -

It should work the same way as what you're used to, albeit with NTY 
devices instead of TNA devices.

Hunter Goatley, Process Software, http://www.process.com/
goathunter at goatley.com   http://hunter.goatley.com/

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