[Info-vax] VSI and Process Software announcement

Jan-Erik Soderholm jan-erik.soderholm at telia.com
Wed Sep 21 12:48:52 EDT 2016

Den 2016-09-21 kl. 18:33, skrev Hunter Goatley:
> On 9/21/2016 9:47 AM, Jan-Erik Soderholm wrote:
>> Anyway, I could not find a way to create similar
>> network devices using Multinet. At least not using
>> the telnet part of Multinet.
> From the online help for MultiNet:
>                  [,NAME=logical_name] -
>                  [,TABLE=logical_name_table] -
>                  [,MODE={EXECUTIVE|SUPERVISOR}] -
>             [/PORT=target-TCP-port] -
>          host
> It should work the same way as what you're used to, albeit with NTY devices
> instead of TNA devices.

OK, right. Found it. Page 152 in the "user guide". :-)

Looks promissing. I do not see any equivalent switch for
/PROTOCOL=NONE that disables all telnet handling and makes
it into a "raw" communication line with nothing but the actuall
data sent by the application code on both ends of the line.

We expect a "clean" line with no other data then "our" data.

Except from that, it does seem to do the same thing.

So it doesn't seem to be a fully replacement of TELNET /CREATE in
TCPIP Services. Maybe there is some other device type (than NTY)?

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