[Info-vax] implementing IPv6 on the internet

David Froble davef at tsoft-inc.com
Thu Sep 22 23:09:33 EDT 2016

Dirk Munk wrote:

> How we got here is indeed an interesting question. VSI was working on a 
> new IP stack, it should have been ready by now. Was that a completely 
> new stack, and what happened to it? Or were they negotiating with 
> Process Software all the time?

Interesting observation.  You got any personal experience in such development? 
Which should include a much better configuration interface, and much better 
other stuff.

Now, if I was doing the project, I'd start by deciding exactly what I wanted to 
end up with.  Then I might acquire some of the pieces, if available, and face 
writing the rest.

I'm guessing there is stuff Process has that would be helpful, and usable, in 
the new product.  But that in no way would mean that I pulled in the entire 
Process product.  Actually, that would not be very helpful, if the goal was a 
much better product than what's currently available, which includes the Process 

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