[Info-vax] implementing IPv6 on the internet

Dirk Munk munk at home.nl
Fri Sep 23 03:19:15 EDT 2016

David Froble wrote:
> Dirk Munk wrote:
>> How we got here is indeed an interesting question. VSI was working on
>> a new IP stack, it should have been ready by now. Was that a
>> completely new stack, and what happened to it? Or were they
>> negotiating with Process Software all the time?
> Interesting observation.  You got any personal experience in such
> development? Which should include a much better configuration interface,
> and much better other stuff.

Oh no, I have no experience in these matters. I just notice that VSI 
told us that they were working on a new IP stack, and they even gave us 
some estimations when to expect it, and now we get the news that they 
will license Multinet technology. That seems to be a discrepancy.

> Now, if I was doing the project, I'd start by deciding exactly what I
> wanted to end up with.  Then I might acquire some of the pieces, if
> available, and face writing the rest.
> I'm guessing there is stuff Process has that would be helpful, and
> usable, in the new product.  But that in no way would mean that I pulled
> in the entire Process product.  Actually, that would not be very
> helpful, if the goal was a much better product than what's currently
> available, which includes the Process products.

You're right, and in fact I noticed that that are a few things missing 
in the Multinet stack (look for them :-) )

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