[Info-vax] implementing IPv6 on the internet

David Froble davef at tsoft-inc.com
Fri Sep 23 16:49:48 EDT 2016

Chris wrote:
> On 09/23/16 12:32, Jan-Erik Soderholm wrote:
>> Well written. I'd just add that you also must go back to what happened
>> the few years directly after the WW-I when GB and France (mainly)
>> put a map on the table, took a ruler and a pencil and created
>> what we now know as the countries in the Middle East. In many
>> cases purely constructs to match the needs of western coutries
>> trade and economics, such as Kuwait to let the GB keep the
>> controle of oil export from the region. Should logicaly have
>> been part of Iraq, of course, if it hadn't been for the oil.
>> Sadaam had a point there, but his solution wasn't that good...
>> Syria was also a creation of this post WW-I caos and issues
>> as we see today was probably just a matter of time away.
>> The simplistic view that some here expresses doesn't help a bit, of
>> course. I do not have any solution either, but correctly understanding
>> the historical background can help some.
>> Regards, Jan-Erik Söderholm
> We do have a lot to answer for historical decisions that were easy
> to impose on the Arab states at the time. The sad thing being that
> we seem to have learned nothing from those mistakes, which suggests
> that ideals and ethical considerations are secondary other agendas
> and interests. The West lost the moral high ground in favor of
> expediency years ago, if in fact we ever had it.
> I've thought for a long time that the tribalism and fractious nature
> of some Middle Eastern countries can only be managed by a much
> heavier hand than would be acceptable here in the West. If the
> aim is to maximise stability for majority of the population, then
> sometimes civil liberties and freedom must take second place...

Oh, that's been proven.  Consider Saddam.  Yes, there was some rather bad things 
done.  But when the Shias were putting him on trial, he stated "I was a fair but 
firm" ruler.  Well, what's happened since shows that that just might be what's 
required.  Would be no IS in Iraq if Saddam was still in charge.

Unfortunately, things such as rape, murder, and such went along with the "firm" 
part ....

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