[Info-vax] VSI and Process Software announcement

Bob Koehler koehler at eisner.nospam.decuserve.org
Tue Sep 27 09:13:57 EDT 2016

In article <ns3ogl$sbq$3 at dont-email.me>, David Froble <davef at tsoft-inc.com> writes:
> Bob Koehler wrote:
>> In article <32d1c9c9-97a7-45ca-9f90-f769da2a53c7 at googlegroups.com>, IanD <iloveopenvms at gmail.com> writes:
>>> I assume when they mean 'older stack' they are meaning TCPIP Services?
>>    Yes, the one many of us still stubbornly refer to as UCX, is what I
>>    assumed, too.  What other 'older stack' would VSI have, that they
>>    could plan its demise?
> Got to wonder why you are stubborn.  UCX was the product prior to TCP/IP V5. 
> The TCP/IP V5 stuff came from the T64 product.  Not UCX.

   It never got better, when compared to the other stacks that are

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