[Info-vax] product not installing

Bob Koehler koehler at eisner.nospam.decuserve.org
Wed Sep 28 09:53:28 EDT 2016

In article <nsem3n$vlp$1 at dont-email.me>, "Bill Cunningham" <nospam at nspam.invalid> writes:
>     It says error not a backup set and cc064.a is not a saveset. The text 
> files with the c compiler zip file mentions several texts some of which the 
> names have either been changed or they are not in the zip file. Seems I will 
> not another file(s).

   The file system you downloaded from, or the technique you used to
   download the files may have disturbed file metadata needed by BACKUP. 
   There are lots of FAQ entires on this one.

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