[Info-vax] product not installing

Bill Cunningham nospam at nspam.invalid
Wed Sep 28 14:20:44 EDT 2016

"Bob Koehler" <koehler at eisner.nospam.decuserve.org> wrote in message 
news:lulMliFas8N0 at eisner.encompasserve.org...

>   The file system you downloaded from, or the technique you used to
>   download the files may have disturbed file metadata needed by BACKUP.
>   There are lots of FAQ entires on this one.

    Hum. I googled comp.os.vms faqs and got several sources. Hoff has some 
good FAQs IDK if will help me or not. Is there an official faqs for c.o.v ? 
I'm not seeing anything specific.


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