[Info-vax] product not installing

Henry Crun mike at rechtman.com
Wed Sep 28 22:45:59 EDT 2016

On 29-Sep-2016 00:32, VAXman- at SendSpamHere.ORG wrote:
> In article <nsh6n3$mra$1 at dont-email.me>, "Bill Cunningham" <nospam at nspam.invalid> writes:
>> <VAXman- @SendSpamHere.ORG> wrote in message
>> news:00B0FC7E.CBC1A79F at SendSpamHere.ORG...
>> ....
>>> $ @sys$update:vmsinstall cc064 dua0:[000000]
>> I will copy from the log what that gets me,
>> $ @sys$update:vmsinstal cc064 dua0:[000000]
>> OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V7.3
>> It is 28-SEP-2016 at 15:41.
>> Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help.
>> * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]?
>> The following products will be processed:
>>  CC V6.4
>> Beginning installation of CC V6.4 at 15:41
>> %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ...
>> %BACKUP-F-NOTSAVESET, DUA0:[000000]CC064.A;1 is not a BACKUP save set
>> %VMSINSTAL-E-NOSAVESET, Save set  A  cannot be restored.
>> VMSINSTAL procedure done at 15:42
> This is a common problem with downloads.  To where did you initially download
> the files?  I'm going to assume it wasn't to OpenVMS.  These files were, IIRC,
> in a .ZIP archive.  Where did you UNZIP them?  Again, I'll assume that too was
> not on OpenVMS.  You have the kit installation files but their format has been
> corrupted.
> You need to get the files as .ZIP archives and UNZIP them on OpenVMS.  You can
> find UNZIP for OpenVMS on various site on the web.  In fact, I believe HP has
> both ZIP and UNZIP for OpenVMS on its web site.
If your OpenVME is up-to-date, try BACKUP/RECOVER.
Otherwise, try the following:
Fixing a BACKUP save-set file attributes:
     How to figure out the record length of a BACKUP saveset.
     (This assumes that you have SET FILE/ATT, which appeared with
     VMS V6.0.  If not, then get the Joe Meadows FILE utility.)
     First, set the record size on the saveset to 2048 (the smallest
     legal value for a BACKUP saveset):
        $ SET FILE/ATTRIBUTE=(RFM:FIX,RAT:NONE,LRL:2048,MRS:2048) file.ext
     Then do this:
     This may report some errors, but it should show you the
     actual record size - e.g.
       BLOCKSIZE = 10240
     Then you can do this:
       $ SET FILE/ATTRIBUTE=(LRL:size,MRS:size) file.ext

Mike R.
Home: http://alpha.mike-r.com/
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No Micro$oft products were used in the URLs above, or in preparing this message.
Recommended reading: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#before
                 and: http://alpha.mike-r.com/jargon/T/top-post.html
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