[Info-vax] VSI and Process Software announcement

David Froble davef at tsoft-inc.com
Thu Sep 29 17:31:09 EDT 2016

Dirk Munk wrote:
> Bill Gunshannon wrote:
>> On 9/29/16 9:10 AM, Bob Koehler wrote:
>>> In article <CVVGz.628530$uE7.483360 at fx14.ams1>, Dirk Munk
>>> <munk at home.nl> writes:
>>>> What he meant was i.m.o. is that if so many people buy the
>>>> kind of BS that Trump is selling, that a man like Hitler could also be
>>>> elected.
>>>     The one relavent difference being that Hitler didn't like Jews, but
>>>     Trump doesn't like Muslims.
>> Jews weren't trying to take over the world and impose Halakha on
>> everyone.  They also didn't go around blowing up innocent bystanders.
>> bill
> That is only a small minority. And in case you haven't noticed, Muslims 
> are killing far more fellow Muslims then non-Muslims.
> Many Muslims hate the extremists.

You probably aren't going to like this, maybe stop reading now.

At this time, it seems that most of the problems originate in the muslim world. 
  So, Ok, muslims don't like the extremists, that's fine, but it's their house 
to clean up, and they don't seem to be doing a good job of it.  Now, if they 
don't clean up their own house, then sooner or later, someone else is going to 
take on the task, and just how are they going to tell the difference between 
"good" and "bad"?  I suggest that things may have gone too far, and they won't 
care, they'll just send them all to Allah and let him sort them out.

Note, I'm not advocating this, but as an analyst, I can see things getting to 
that point.

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