[Info-vax] VSI and Process Software announcement

Jan-Erik Soderholm jan-erik.soderholm at telia.com
Thu Sep 29 18:10:16 EDT 2016

Den 2016-09-29 kl. 23:20, skrev David Froble:
> Dirk Munk wrote:
>> Bill Gunshannon wrote:
>>> On 9/28/16 5:25 PM, David Froble wrote:
>>>> Another thing to consider, on the Democratic side there also are people
>>>> who are unhappy, and they were supporting Bernie.  Too bad the Democrat
>>>> leadership had already made up their mind on "more of the same".
>>> I really should know enough to stay out of this stuff, but what
>>> the heck.
>>> Bernie is a career politician. How would he have not been "more
>>> of the same"
>>> bill
>> You automatically assume a career politician is something bad so it
>> seems. But why, it can be a job like any other. A man like Winston
>> Churchill also was a career politician.
> I don't consider "politician" to be a job.  It's much lower than a job.

Whith that view, you will get the leadership that you deserves.

What would you have instead of the politicans? Who would decide on bombing
Syria (as you seems to suggest) if not the politicans?

> But to answer your question, I'll just say, "to a politician, the next
> election isn't everything, it's the ONLY thing".  I'll let you figure out
> just how "bad" that is.

But then, why do not the voters vote on those that says that "this will
take 20 years to fix, but we need to start now", instead of voting on
those that says that "I will fix this-n-that during my first year as
the president".

You get the leadership that you deserve.

You just sound highly uneducated and rather dumb, but I select to
belive that it is only as is sounds, not the reality.

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