[Info-vax] VSI and Process Software announcement

David Froble davef at tsoft-inc.com
Fri Sep 30 00:54:41 EDT 2016

Jan-Erik Soderholm wrote:
> Den 2016-09-29 kl. 23:20, skrev David Froble:
>> Dirk Munk wrote:
>>> Bill Gunshannon wrote:
>>>> On 9/28/16 5:25 PM, David Froble wrote:
>>>>> Another thing to consider, on the Democratic side there also are 
>>>>> people
>>>>> who are unhappy, and they were supporting Bernie.  Too bad the 
>>>>> Democrat
>>>>> leadership had already made up their mind on "more of the same".
>>>> I really should know enough to stay out of this stuff, but what
>>>> the heck.
>>>> Bernie is a career politician. How would he have not been "more
>>>> of the same"
>>>> bill
>>> You automatically assume a career politician is something bad so it
>>> seems. But why, it can be a job like any other. A man like Winston
>>> Churchill also was a career politician.
>> I don't consider "politician" to be a job.  It's much lower than a job.
> Whith that view, you will get the leadership that you deserves.
> What would you have instead of the politicans? Who would decide on bombing
> Syria (as you seems to suggest) if not the politicans?
>> But to answer your question, I'll just say, "to a politician, the next
>> election isn't everything, it's the ONLY thing".  I'll let you figure out
>> just how "bad" that is.
> But then, why do not the voters vote on those that says that "this will
> take 20 years to fix, but we need to start now", instead of voting on
> those that says that "I will fix this-n-that during my first year as
> the president".
> You get the leadership that you deserve.
> You just sound highly uneducated and rather dumb, but I select to
> belive that it is only as is sounds, not the reality.

Yep!  I'm just a dumb polock.  Why, I made it all the way to the third grade. 
Only took me 13 years.  Maybe, that's more fingers than I have ....

Politicians consider me smart ....

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