[Info-vax] product not installing

VAXman- at SendSpamHere.ORG VAXman- at SendSpamHere.ORG
Thu Sep 29 18:34:33 EDT 2016

In article <nsk01p$u6g$1 at news.albasani.net>, Jan-Erik Soderholm <jan-erik.soderholm at telia.com> writes:
>Den 2016-09-29 kl. 19:47, skrev Bill Cunningham:
>> <VAXman- @SendSpamHere.ORG> wrote in message
>> news:00B0FDDC.7696355B at SendSpamHere.ORG...
>>> Move the .ZIP file(s) on your simh and then UNZIP them there.  You'll then
>>> be
>>> able to install.
>> Ok I didn't know VMS had zip. But I can try it.
>VMS doesn't "has ZIP", but it can be downloaded. Sometimes there are
>a copies on the same wen page where the CC kit was in the first place.

Is that available on the world wide wen?

VAXman- A Bored Certified VMS Kernel Mode Hacker    VAXman(at)TMESIS(dot)ORG

I speak to machines with the voice of humanity.

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