[Info-vax] Where is EISNER:: and who funds it?

Johnny Billquist bqt at softjar.se
Mon Jan 3 08:49:02 EST 2022

On 2022-01-02 22:41, alanfe... at gmail.com wrote:
> On Sunday, January 2, 2022 at 1:41:08 PM UTC-5, Johnny Billquist wrote:
>> Trying to stay out, but what the hell...
>> On 2022-01-02 18:58, alanfe... at gmail.com wrote:
>>> I made my comments about the US because people (at least Jan-Erik and Johnny Billquist) were bashing the US because it uses Fahrenheit, and then later, which I'm pretty sure I didn't bring into the discussion, the US Customary system of units (and, by association, the Imperial and English systems). All I was saying is that even though the US uses Fahrenheit, it still did many great things. F didn't hold us back. That's it! I meant no denigration of other countries; I was simply defending my own. Hmmm, I think I read that somewhere before? No problem. I miss things, too. I often joke, "You only need to say it twice"!
>> I wasn't bashing the US. I was bashing you, because you fail to
>> understand the difference between mass and force. And I think that
> That's _your opinion_ and I'm well aware of it, and thanks for telling me for the umpteenth time. It's been noted and discarded for the umpteenth time.
>> switching to C from F would be beneficial, but I understand it's
>> unlikely to happen. Mostly because of people like you.
> Sir, your opinion that C is superior to F has been noted. And I don't really care.

Then stop dropping my name into your diatribes. If you hadn't thrown my 
name in and attributing me to saying things I didn't, I wouldn't have 

>>> Again, I "bragged" about the US only because people here were bashing it. I don't recall ever initiating any hostility or bragging here. But I did respond to hostility against me by others!
> You were saying Americans are foolish to not switch to C. Seems like America-bashing to me! This is in _addition_ to your bashing me. Did I bash you back except to say that nobody gives a flying petunia about your lbs vs lbf nonsense? Nobody cares, and like I said before, I am not going to argue and explain all the subtleties that we all here already know about mass and weight.

Are you having an argument with yourself now? You are making a comment 
on what you wrote...

And I'm sure a lot of people cares about the difference between mass 
(lbs) and force (lbf), even if you don't grasp the concept.


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