[Info-vax] upgrading to VSI VMS---and back

Phillip Helbig undress to reply helbig at asclothestro.multivax.de
Thu Jan 6 08:35:08 EST 2022

In article <dd00205c-56dc-46b2-9306-932b532716b3n at googlegroups.com>, Bob
Gezelter <gezelter at rlgsc.com> writes: 

> The last version of HPE OpenVMS is Version 8.4, with UPDATE 15 being
> the terminal update. 

Right.  I have 8.4 but the last update I have is 5.0.

> I am personally maintaining an IA64-based mixed version OpenVMScluster
> running with 8.4 and 8.4-2L3 inter-operating on a minute to minute basis
> without incident, with each version having a separate system volume. 

So VSI and HPE in the same cluster?  Would that work with Alpha?

> As a mixed-version OpenVMScluster it is, as I recall, supported
> technically. Check the SPD on vmssoftware.com for the official position.

Mixed-version clusters in general, yes.  Mixed VSI/HPE, even on the same 
architecture?  I'm not sure.  I seem to remember that for Alpha/x86 one 
had to have Alpha from VSI, but you seem to be doing otherwise.

> Direct upgrade of a system volume is supported, providing that the 8.4
> system is at a minimum update level, the  Installation and Upgrade
> manual for the  VSI release is explicit on that point. 

I'll have to check whether 5.0 is enough and if not if I can somehow get 
15.0 or whatever.  (Is that a cumulative patch or do I need to install 
something as a prerequisite?)

> As to x86-64, my recollection from presentations is that Alpha/x86-64
> and Itanium/x86-64 was "supported", but that  Alpha/Itanium/x86-64 was
> not, but I seem to recall seeing a SHOW CLUSTER output with all three
> active. 

I have no Itanium machines and no plans to ever have them.  Moving to 
VSI VMS on Alpha is mainly a prelude to moving to x86.

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