[Info-vax] Meditech in the news

Forster, Michael mforster at mcw.edu
Thu Jan 6 17:21:09 EST 2022

FYI and FWIW, GT.M is totally different variant than ISM and DSM versions of MUMPS.

Not knocking Arne's sharing.

M/11, ISM and DSM morphed into Intersystems' Cache which has morphed into Iris.

M/11 is the PDP-11 version that your boot tape was a combination of OS and MUMPS.

VIST/A is a presentation and abstraction layer between MUMPS and the programmers. Seems that they have dropped the "/" in the acronym for "Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA)". Or I might be confusing and "VA FileMan" being the data abstraction layer. You can search and find active use and versions for InterSystems Cache/IRIS on Linux at this point mostly.

Read or don't:

Michael Forster
Enterprise Database Administrator III
(Formerly Enterprise Storage and IDX Architect)
InterSystems Cache/ISM/DSM System Architect
Clinical Practice Services | Medical College of Wisconsin
O: (414) 955-4967 |  mforster at mcw.edu

-----Original Message-----
From: Info-vax <info-vax-bounces at rbnsn.com> On Behalf Of Arne Vajhøj via Info-vax
Sent: Thursday, January 6, 2022 2:01 PM
To: info-vax at rbnsn.com
Cc: Arne Vajhøj <arne at vajhoej.dk>
Subject: Re: [Info-vax] Meditech in the news
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On 1/6/2022 10:46 AM, Arne Vajhøj wrote:
> One may not like MUMPS and its variants.

For those with an strong desire to try MUMPS aka M on VMS, then:


should be a VMS Alpha build of GT.M version 6.2 (no VMS version of
6.3 or 7.0).

I have not tried it myself.

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