[Info-vax] Meditech in the news

abrsvc dansabrservices at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 6 18:49:52 EST 2022

On Thursday, January 6, 2022 at 6:16:57 PM UTC-5, John Dallman wrote:
> In article <j3ohkp... at mid.individual.net>, bill.gu... at gmail.com
> (Bill Gunshannon) wrote: 
> > And, as far as I know, The VA is still running VISTA which is 
> > also an ANSI-M (otherwise known as MUMPS) application. I wonder 
> > if any of them are on VMS? If not, what are they running on and 
> > could VMS find away into that rather lucrative niche.
> Probably not: 
> "In May, 2018, the VA awarded a contract to Cerner Corp to replace 
> VistA with the commercial off-the-shelf EHR, Cerner Millenium. 
> Pilot implementations took place in the fall of 2020, and by November, 
> 24 million veteran health records had been migrated to the new 
> platform. The projected completion for migration of all VA sites 
> is 2028.[5]" 
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VistA 
> John
There was a version of Cerner Millenium that ran on OpenVMS VAX and Alpha.  It has since been rewritten and I don't know if there is an OpenVMS version.
The version that did however, was actually a CLI that replaced DCL.   It was one of 2 in the world that VMS engineering knew about.  Fun times porting that to Alpha as much of the code was in MACRO-32.  Found a bunch of bugs in the image activator and other VMS routines on that project...


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