[Info-vax] Free Alpha emulators running under Linux ?

Subcommandante XDelta vlf at star.enet.dec.com
Fri Jan 7 23:11:55 EST 2022

On Sun, 2 Jan 2022 09:09:42 -0000 (UTC), Simon Clubley
<clubley at remove_me.eisner.decus.org-Earth.UFP> wrote:

>At the moment, I run my home Alpha system on a FreeAXP instance
>running under Windows.
>It would be nice to switch to running an Alpha emulator under Linux
>while switching to the VSI version of Alpha VMS.
>What is the current state of play for free Alpha emulators running
>under Linux ?
>When I last looked at this a number of years ago, the only Linux based
>emulator I could find at the time was es40 and that wasn't very usable
>at the time.
>There's some basic Alpha support in simh, but the last time I looked,
>it was missing many of the features that would have made it a viable
>full system emulator.

Whilst strictly off-topic, relative to your specific query about free
AXP/Linux emulators, the VLF hate to see good digits suffer needlessly
- this should help you potter about, happily enough, in your
temperature controlled, false floor, backyard shed, with your hobbyist
VMS systems:




Usenet Binaries Newsgroups:


Old (2013), but solid gold.

We don't like to see good digits suffer, nor do we think that
Stromasys, historically, have suffered - no principals, in their right
minds, of any business or institution, would risk their enterprise, or
organisation, by running their business critical, or mission critical,
production systems, on a cracked hardware emulator - you would want
established business relationships with the hardware emulator
developers, so that there are no delays, whatsoever, in getting
technical support.

We only formally, warrant that our work is sufficient for hobbyist
systems - however, at a pinch, you could also duct tape implement them
in a nuclear power station, to get things working again, if need be,
and if there was no other timely alternative.

Best regards,

VLF: The VMS Liberation Front
In VMS We Trust.

PS: A shout out and salute to Gérard Calliet and the team at the
VMSgenerations Working Group - the VLF greatly admire their above
ground work, from afar - industry association, institutional response,
aggregate activism, in the relation to VSI is the way to go -
individual petitioning will not cut it.

$!------------------------- damn straight --------------------------!$
$ opprobrium/level=kittens/mode=conniptions/input=VLF:/output=NL:   !$
$!-------------------------- enough said ---------------------------!$

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