[Info-vax] Free Alpha emulators running under Linux ?

Subcommandante XDelta vlf at star.enet.dec.com
Tue Jan 11 04:34:13 EST 2022

comp.os.vms college,

Whilst, strictly speaking, off-topic, in furtherance of the thesis:


The 'Pastebin' text snippet website benchmarks "safe to visit".

In regards to VAX/VMS, if any VMS hobbyist or VMS shop, that you know,
is suffering, then relieve them of their misery, forthwith.

Best regards,

VLF: The VMS Liberation Front
In VMS We Trust.

$!------------------------- damn straight --------------------------!$
$ opprobrium/level=kittens/mode=conniptions/input=VLF:/output=NL:   !$
$!-------------------------- enough said ---------------------------!$

On Sat, 08 Jan 2022 15:11:55 +1100, Subcommandante XDelta
<vlf at star.enet.dec.com> wrote:

>On Sun, 2 Jan 2022 09:09:42 -0000 (UTC), Simon Clubley
><clubley at remove_me.eisner.decus.org-Earth.UFP> wrote:
>>At the moment, I run my home Alpha system on a FreeAXP instance
>>running under Windows.
>>It would be nice to switch to running an Alpha emulator under Linux
>>while switching to the VSI version of Alpha VMS.
>>What is the current state of play for free Alpha emulators running
>>under Linux ?
>>When I last looked at this a number of years ago, the only Linux based
>>emulator I could find at the time was es40 and that wasn't very usable
>>at the time.
>>There's some basic Alpha support in simh, but the last time I looked,
>>it was missing many of the features that would have made it a viable
>>full system emulator.
>Whilst strictly off-topic, relative to your specific query about free
>AXP/Linux emulators, the VLF hate to see good digits suffer needlessly
>- this should help you potter about, happily enough, in your
>temperature controlled, false floor, backyard shed, with your hobbyist
>VMS systems:
>Usenet Binaries Newsgroups:
>Old (2013), but solid gold.
>We don't like to see good digits suffer, nor do we think that
>Stromasys, historically, have suffered - no principals, in their right
>minds, of any business or institution, would risk their enterprise, or
>organisation, by running their business critical, or mission critical,
>production systems, on a cracked hardware emulator - you would want
>established business relationships with the hardware emulator
>developers, so that there are no delays, whatsoever, in getting
>technical support.
>We only formally, warrant that our work is sufficient for hobbyist
>systems - however, at a pinch, you could also duct tape implement them
>in a nuclear power station, to get things working again, if need be,
>and if there was no other timely alternative.
>Best regards,
>VLF: The VMS Liberation Front
>In VMS We Trust.
>PS: A shout out and salute to Gérard Calliet and the team at the
>VMSgenerations Working Group - the VLF greatly admire their above
>ground work, from afar - industry association, institutional response,
>aggregate activism, in the relation to VSI is the way to go -
>individual petitioning will not cut it.
>$!------------------------- damn straight --------------------------!$
>$ opprobrium/level=kittens/mode=conniptions/input=VLF:/output=NL:   !$
>$!-------------------------- enough said ---------------------------!$

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