[Info-vax] Meditech in the news

Scott Dorsey kludge at panix.com
Sat Jan 8 13:40:03 EST 2022

plugh  <jchimene at gmail.com> wrote:
>I think one of the aspects of MUmPhs that buggers newbs is that it's one of=
> the few languages implementing content addressable memory, even to seconda=
>ry storage. I've professionally written REXX, which is the only other such =
>language. I'm sure there are others.

It's actually become a popular thing recently, with hashes being implemented
in perl and python as standard data structures.  Not as extensive or 
transparent as in Mumps, mind you.

> If anyone else has experience with real-time laboratory data acquisition i=
>n a clinical setting, I'm all ears. Otherwise, there are few languages up t=
>o the task. Unfortunately, it's also a write-only language.

We do plenty of that in C and for a long time we did a lot in HP BASIC which
was sort of optimized for instrument control.  These days a lot of things
that would get custom software get done with labview, though.  Or HP's answer
to labview, VEE. 
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."

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