[Info-vax] Meditech in the news

Arne Vajhøj arne at vajhoej.dk
Tue Jan 11 19:24:32 EST 2022

On 1/8/2022 2:58 PM, Arne Vajhøj wrote:
> On 1/8/2022 1:40 PM, Scott Dorsey wrote:
>> plugh  <jchimene at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I think one of the aspects of MUmPhs that buggers newbs is that it's 
>>> one of=
>>> the few languages implementing content addressable memory, even to 
>>> seconda=
>>> ry storage. I've professionally written REXX, which is the only other 
>>> such =
>>> language. I'm sure there are others.
>> It's actually become a popular thing recently, with hashes being 
>> implemented
>> in perl and python as standard data structures.  Not as extensive or
>> transparent as in Mumps, mind you.
> In memory hashtables/hashmaps/dictionaries/associative arrays are a
> standard feature in most newer languages.
> Index-sequential files/NoSQL Key Value Stores are also common across
> technologies.
> The combination is not common. Even though I guess that languages
> that allow overloading of indexing operator could do something
> similar under the hood.

Just for fun here is an example with Kotlin and MapDB.

Plain in memory:

package simple

fun main() {
	val m = HashMap<String,Int>()
	m["A"] = 111
	m["B"] = 222
	m["C"] = 333
	var x = m.getOrDefault("X", 0)
	x = x + 1
	m["X"] = x

On disk:

package mapdb

import org.mapdb.DBMaker

fun main() {
	val db = DBMaker.fileDB("/work/fun.db").make()
	val m = db.hashMap("demo").createOrOpen() as MutableMap<String,Int>
	m["A"] = 111
	m["B"] = 222
	m["C"] = 333
	var x = m.getOrDefault("X", 0)
	x = x + 1
	m["X"] = x


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