[Info-vax] RMS and SSIO (again)

Greg Tinkler tinklerg at gmail.com
Tue Jan 11 20:50:11 EST 2022

Hi Arne

You seem quite emphatic that is does not work, well

This may not seem much but the first timestamp is from 1 process and the other from another process.  
If you use CRTL, SAME CODE it does not work and shows the problem described.

As you can see the second process details are not being updated, even though this is what is being updated.

However using my approach, and doing the correct coding, you get the results above.


If VSI want to approach me about the code, that is fine, but here is a short code snippet to help you understand it
        TSS$SETRFA (fdptr->rab, offset);
        fdptr->rab->rab$b_rac = RAB$C_RFA;
        // get the data so RMS is happy, nb may only needs some at the start of the data
        sts = sys$get (fdptr->rab);
       fdptr->rab->rab$l_rbf = (void *) buf;
        fdptr->rab->rab$w_rsz = buflen;
        sts = sys$update (fdptr->rab);

Oh and the test code
 * File:   rms_unixio_test1.c
 * Author: greg
 * copyright 2021, 2022 TS Solutions Pty Ltd
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <time.h>

#include "rms_unixio.h"

#define MAX_REC_LEN 40

int main (int argc, char** argv)
    char fn[] = "rms_unixio.bin";
    char *recbuff1, *recbuff2;
    time_t rawtime;
    struct tm *tm0;
    char inbuf[50], ts[20];
    int i, fd, sts, rno;
    long rec_len1, rec_len2;
    long long rec_offset1, rec_offset2;
    char *sptr;

    recbuff1 = (char *)malloc (MAX_REC_LEN);
    recbuff2 = (char *)malloc (MAX_REC_LEN);

    fd = open(fn, O_RDWR, 0777); /*,"ctx=bin","rfm=udf"); */
    if (fd < 0)
       perror("*** Unable to open file");
       exit (0);

    rno = 1;
    printf ("record number, 0 to finish: ");
    sptr = fgets (inbuf, sizeof (inbuf), stdin);
    rno = atoi (inbuf);
    if(rno==0) exit(0);
    rec_offset1=(rno-1) * rec_len1;
    rec_offset2=(rno) * rec_len2;

    while (rno > 0)
        /* get record number to change */
        if (rno > 0)
            sts = pread(fd, recbuff1, rec_len1, rec_offset1);
            sts = pread (fd, recbuff2, rec_len2, rec_offset2);
/* show what we got */
            printf ("[%.8s,%.8s]\n", recbuff1, recbuff2);
            /* get current time */
            time (&rawtime);
            tm0 = localtime (&rawtime);
            strftime (ts, sizeof (ts), "%H:%M:%S", tm0);
            /* format output */
            snprintf (recbuff1, 9, "%.8s\0", ts);
            sts = pwrite (fd, recbuff1, rec_len1, rec_offset1);
            sleep(2);  /* sleep for 2 seconds */
    /* don't close until requested */
    sts = close (fd);
    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

So drop SSIO, fix CRTL, and yes someone after 20 years has been able to easily and quickly solve the problem.


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