[Info-vax] VMSINSTAL user disk

Jan-Erik Söderholm jan-erik.soderholm at telia.com
Sun Jan 16 07:15:45 EST 2022

Den 2022-01-16 kl. 08:36, skrev Dave Froble:
> On 1/15/2022 7:48 PM, Arne Vajhøj wrote:
>> Is it possible to install a VMSINSTAL kit in a user
>> directory?
>> If yes: how?
>> Arne
> To specifically answer your question, yes.  As a LD container.  Copy the 
> data, multiple ways.
> But the question I think you really wanted to ask is can the media be 
> installed from a user directory.  That answer I think is no.
> To install, one needs to boot the installation media.  That must be from a 
> device, as far as I know.

I have installed multiple VMSINSTAL kits without *booting* them...

I'm sure that the questing is regarding the target for the installation
from any VMSINSTAL kit not, *not* specifically a VMS OS distribution kit.

> The method I and others have used is to move the installation media into a 
> directory and mount it as an LD device.  Then IMAGE restore it to an actual 
> disk.  Then boot that disk.

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