[Info-vax] Suggestion: Enhance DCL to support proper escape quoting.

Johnny Billquist bqt at softjar.se
Thu Jan 27 08:52:26 EST 2022

On 2022-01-24 23:22, Jan-Erik Söderholm wrote:
> Den 2022-01-24 kl. 18:24, skrev Bill Gunshannon:
>> On 1/24/22 09:00, Simon Clubley wrote:
>>> On 2022-01-21, Dave Froble <davef at tsoft-inc.com> wrote:
>>>> I'll admit to learning much from overlays, but, it was still torture ..
>>> I learnt a lot from overlays, such as never wanting to go near the
>>> bloody things ever again in my life. :-)
>> Funny how I always hear this.  I have done lots of overlays on
>> Ultrix-11 (even for the kernel!) and never had any serious problems
>> with them.  I even like them.  :-)
>> bill
> I never thought anything bad/good about them, the overlay feature
> was just that, a feature of RSX-11M. I think the most "overlayed"
> image I built was using both the RMS libraries and the DTR-11
> callable library. It was mainly DTR-11 that added most overlays,
> as I remember it. I think the FMS libs was used also...

The "worst" of it is when you need to juggle things a lot in order to 
fit it all in. That can be quite an exercise. Multiple co-trees, 
figuring out dependencies, and writing the ODL file for it all.

When I backported DUNGEON V3.2 to RSX, I really had to work hard on 
that. Probably the most complex thing I've ever done. I think I ended up 
with 10 co-trees, and all kind of cruft. I would agree that they are not 
the most fun, but you sortof live with them and accept them. Sure, I can 
understand people who felt relief when moving to VMS, and never having 
to care about that again.


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