[Info-vax] Userland programming languages on VMS.

Arne Vajhøj arne at vajhoej.dk
Mon Jan 31 12:42:10 EST 2022

On 1/31/2022 12:29 PM, Bill Gunshannon wrote:
> On 1/31/22 03:25, Johnny Billquist wrote:
>> On 2022-01-31 01:22, Simon Clubley wrote:
>>> On 2022-01-29, Scott Dorsey <kludge at panix.com> wrote:
>>>> Pascal is pretty limited but makes it hard to shoot yourself in the 
>>>> foot.
>>>> And most implementations don't use null-terminated strings which are 
>>>> the
>>>> most serious source of vulnerabilities in C code.
>>>> --scott
>>> I wouldn't call Pascal "limited". DEC used it to implement VAXELN...
>> The problem is that the ISO standard for Pascal is pretty useless. 
> Pretty useless for what?  Tasks for which the language was not designed?
>> Which is why every useful Pascal have extensions...
>> And they are all different...
>> Which makes everything very non-standard...
> Thus the reason they should have come up with new names and not called
> themselves Pascal, which they were not.

If they compile Wirth/ISO Pascal then it is somewhat justifiable
to call them Pascal.

But given how much the language get extended then it is
really necessary to specify dialect.

VMS Pascal, Object Pascal etc..

Borland took the consequence and eventually branded their
Object Pascal product as Delphi.

But I do not have a problem with the term "VMS Pascal".


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