[Squaredancing] Re: [sd-callers] National Convention trip report

Heinz D. Trost htrost at onlinehome.de
Tue Jun 28 19:19:42 EDT 2005

Larry et al,

> But National Convention is.
> I have no desire to support them, despite Clark's protestations that
> famous callers don't get harassed.
> Luckily there are plenty of places to square dance without going to
> National Convention.

yes, but unfortunately as long as the Nationals still forces people into 
  "Traditional attire" most other special dances also will still 
require that, too. Same appears to lots of regular club dance nights, 
nevertheless no other kind of dance forces its dancers to wear special 
attire at practise hours (including the competive ballroom dancers who 
usually wear just a body, jogging suit or jeans and T-shirt at training 
and at the warm-up before the competition tips run.

The NSDC's have to go first to remove their attire rules to "optional". 
That's like in Summer in a hot room at club dance night everybody would 
like to roll up the sleeves of the long shirts but wait nervouse until 
the president/vicepresident will start to do so. Or at an official ball 
everybody will sweat until the host will undress his jacket...
And almost nobody will hold the old rule which says that a man have to 
wear his jacket until the woman undresses her dress.


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