[Squaredancing] After Parties

Mike Gormley WA8VEC at ARRL.NET
Wed Jun 4 07:04:42 EDT 2008

I love after parties, and have many times suggested we have some at our 
club.  The problem is, our dancers are of the older generation, 65 to 85 
years.   A 2 1/2 hour dance is about all they want.   It is not like 
they have to go to work the next day, like me, they are all retired.  
Our dance is from 7 pm to 9:30 pm.   I am not speaking of every dance 
having an after party, but perhaps 3 during a season of Nov thru April.

I have tried fitting a skit between tips or during a break session to 
warm them up to the idea.

How do I convince them to do a few of these?

Mike Gormley
Florida Keys

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