[Squaredancing] [Square dancing] Ladies dancing without their clothes on!...

Jimbetsy at aol.com Jimbetsy at aol.com
Mon Jun 30 23:47:02 EDT 2008

You are perfectly right about clothing--however, we are going to a party,  
and need to look nice. There are places where torn jeans and short shorts are  
appropriate, others not so.  I believe in being comforatable and looking  good. 
Here is what I wrote Heinz: 
Hello Heinz, 
We were at the 57th and saw several people in non-traditional attire.   One 
lady danced in levis--she mostly danced the boy's part.  I met her  several 
year ago when she was asked to leave a national convention as she  refused to 
wear traditional attire  . I thought it was bullshit then and  still do. 
Of course some people want to push the limits just to see how far they can  
go. In today's world in which torn levis, tattoos, and body piercing seem to be 
 the norm, maybe we are a last bastion of good taste. 
On the other hand, square dancing is a party and we usually get dressed up  
to go to a party. On some occasions, only a tuxedo will do. The NEC is free to  
demand whatever attire they deem appropriate, but have eased up a lot. Maybe  
we can come to a happy medium. At clubs, special festivals, and so on, we  
can have "casual" attire.  I like the long sleeved shirts for men and some  sort 
of skirt for women. At larger events, we might go to     'proper' or 
traditional attire. Proper would probably mean no levis or shorts,  just dressy 
slacks, while retaining the long sleeved shirt for men. No tie,  bolo, and so on 
required. I think most people will see the beauty of some  of the outfits and go 
to them. 
Betsy only wears the long prairie skirts, no petticoats, no crinolines, and  
she looks just fine! She always looks nicely turned out--clean, well dressed,  
AND comfortable. 
On choice of venue for a national convention. When we have 6,000 people  come 
to Wichita, which has no natural draw, and know that they represent only  the 
tip of the iceberg of square dancers, we know we are doing something right.  
There may be 60,000 or 600,000 dancers in the USA. They all have fun. Sure, 
some  of them are older and have been dancing a long time.  Did you see the 
large  contingent of young dancers in Wichita?  They were having a ball too.   Of 
course when they danced in a square with other young people, they were pretty  
energetic, but they danced with older dancers too and seemed to enjoy it.  

One last point.  Square Dancing is not going to "DIE" It is too  much fun. It 
will certainly change to meet changing conditions. I know that  I for one, 
will dance for the rest of my life, as long as I am physically  capable. 
Jim Pead Livingston, Texas
"Your Rovin' Corner

In a message dated 6/29/2008 12:27:42 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
Anniebplus at aol.com writes:

I agree  that women look, act and feel better when they are dressed with   
crinolines, pettipants, etc.  But in the summers here in AZ where  the  
is well over 110 most of the time, a person has to  be made of ice  (so as 
to perspire) and have the bladder of an 18  year old to enjoy dressing  in 

I myself  prefer dancing with all the accoutrements.  But if one should  have 
to go to the ladies room during the dance it is much like trying to pull  up  
wet bathing suit.  NOT a pretty  experience.


In a message dated 6/29/2008  10:08:30 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  
cannotdance at verizonmail.com  writes:

To those  who love Square Dancing,

The same old  topics pop up from decade to  decade. I danced a good bit in
the  Eighties, and those were the days that  when we

thought Square  Dancing could never die. I can still remember  telling
people that,  "Now that I have found Square Dancing,

I shall  never be lonely  again." I do miss the eighties. In those days,
"Even a  broke clock  was right twice a day". I am not too sure

that is true   anymore.

I would like to present two ideas that counter the idea  that  we would
have more dancers if we got rid of the "Dress  Code".

My  first observation may not apply much anymore due to the  fact that we
do  much less swinging than we used to.  However,

let me assure you that in  Square Dancing, and in Square  Dance rounds
there is still some small amount  of leading going  on.

When a man swings a women, or pivots her, or  twirls her, the  Square Dance
Dress gives the lady perfect  balance.

It feels  really great to be leading a women who, due to her  Dress  and
crinolines, is in perfect balance.

If you watch dancers   spin and turn around on the floor, it is difficult
not to notice how   beautiful the female form is when she has

her crinolines floating  out  and her legs appear so thin because her dress
is covering up the  top of her  thighs, (as well as her hips),

and all one sees is the  most beautiful  parts of her legs.

I doubt that any male dancer  can say that he was not  greatly surprised on
the occasion that he  first saw some of his  sexiest

dance partners "without their  clothes on".

I am sure all  of the ladies know how much a  beautiful dress improves a
womens appearance.  However, I bet there  are still a

couple of men who will be as surprised  to find out  that their favorite
corner, is actually a bit larger, and  older, than  she seemed when

she had her Square Dance clothes on.  

I  can remember being a bit embarrassed when I discovered that one of   the
ladies that I had been dreaming of,

was actually nearly twice  my  age. (With her SD clothes off.)

So to the ladies out there,  give it a  little thought before you toss out
those silly old Square  Dance  clothes.

You might find that you will miss the gleaming  eyes of the men  who watch
you twirl and spin on the floor.

As  for the men, at least  one of us, (ME), will miss seeing you at   your


PS--- I wonder how many little girls  would  love to wear crinolines?

My vote, Sexy women, who have  great balance,  are pretty good.

----- Original Message  -----
From: "Ken Robinson"
To: "This list for discussing all aspect  of  MWSD"
Subject: Re: [Squaredancing] The 57th NSDC is now   history
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2008 00:21:53 -0500

At  12:09 AM  6/29/2008, Heinz D. Trost wrote:
> Ken et al,
> thank you  for the data.
>  >The 57th National Square Dance  Convention is now history. The
> >total attendance number  that I saw was 6,025. :-(  They had
projected 7,000.
>  >
>  >
> >
> well, square dancing is still  dying  and so the Nationals is, too.
> Maybe the 58th next year  will  raise up the attendance a bit,
> Long Beach,  CA  is better connected to the world and more attractive
>  Wichita, KS, was.
> But as long as the NEC still forces  "proper"  attire, but means
> "Traditional" in the definition of  Legacy,  Callerlab, ECTA and
> instead of  "casual" or at least  "proper" in the definition of
> etc.,- and as long as there  still are too many people in the  hobby
> won't see the hard  reality and block any  major changes to adjust
> hobby to  the needs of the  actually and younger customers,  square
> won't  stop extincting.

Looking around  the dance floors I noticed that  the dress code wasn't
being enforced.  There were plenty of guys in  short sleeved shirts and
women in slacks  dancing. I don't know the  numbers of young dancers
at the convention  as a percentage of total  dancers, but it seemed to
me, there were  more younger dancers there  this year than I remember
in previous  years. And not all were from  exhibition groups. In fact,
there was  one major exhibition group  missing this year -- The
Maycroft Square  Tappers.

It  would be interesting to see the percentage of youth  dancers at the
last few  conventions.


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