[Squaredancing] Video of C4 Dancing

Clark Baker cmbaker at tiac.net
Sat Jan 7 00:40:40 EST 2012

As part of the Square Dance History Project (http://squaredancehistory.org/), David Millstone was able to get his friend Ray Sebold to film an afternoon of C4 dancing and interview some of the participants at a recent C4 Dance Weekend.  Ray has edited this into a 30 minute video piece entitled "Challenge Squares (C4)" and made it available on YouTube:


He intersperses the interviews with the dancing so listen at least until the first interview at 2:30.

Challenge dancing, and especially C4 dancing is often characterized as the dancers don't look like they are having fun -- they always are looking down, not smiling, the dancing is stop and go, they shortcut the left allemandes, etc.

As you listen to the interviews, you can get a better appreciation for why people like this activity, what they get out of it, and how important teamwork is to this type of dancing.


No matter what, the Square Dance History Project strongly encourages you to document your particular dance scene.  20 years from now, we would love to be able to look back on a 5 to 20 minute piece of audio and video and see what the dancing looked like, hear the calling, and hear from some of the participants.  Please document your caller, club, weekend, festival, or convention.

YouTube now has many snippets of square dancing.  However, little of it is edited, and we get little sense of what it is like from the participants.  Be sure to get some "talking head" interviews, along with the dance footage.

Send a pointer to your work to David Millstone.  Thanks.

Clark Baker, Belmont, MA
cmbaker at tiac.net

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