[Info-vax] primary and secondary page and swap files, AUTOGEN, SHOW MEMORY/FILES

Phillip Helbig undress to reply helbig at asclothestro.multivax.de
Thu Jan 1 12:18:00 EST 2015

In article
<mailman.44.1420126511.17950.info-vax_info-vax.com at info-vax.com>, Kerry
Main <kerry.main at backtothefutureit.com> writes: 

> The HW vendors have progressed exponentially faster than the
> computing needs of most customers - on all platforms.

Indeed.  Apart from moving SOME of my disks to 36-GB, I don't NEED more 
disk space.

(With some people telling me that my hardware is hopelessly out of date 
and others wondering why I have switched off the VAXes, I suppose that I 
am at the golden mean.  :-)  )

> - Likely 75% of most Cust's today upgrade not because of lack of
> performance, but rather for improved HW/SW support and
> maint cost reductions. Of the remaining 25%, most requirements
> would easily be met with less than 32 cores (possibly dual boxes
> for high availability). A small subset of something like 5% need
> and/or can effectively scale to greater than 32 cores.

Most people really needing more power probably have a cluster anyway, 
for availability and reliability.  Since 96 nodes are supported, this is 
for most people an alternative upgrade path: more nodes in the cluster, 
not more cores/faster CPUs/etc per node.

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