[Info-vax] BACKUP to nfs-share, some files are modified

Stephen Hoffman seaohveh at hoffmanlabs.invalid
Fri Jan 30 14:30:22 EST 2015

On 2015-01-30 14:09:26 +0000, Jan-Erik Soderholm said:

> There can be cases where one has trouble copying/FTP the EXE.
> Sometimes I have produced a UUENCODE file on the source system
> and then copied by cut-n-paste between two terminal emulator
> windows to finaly UUDECODE on the terget system. That way the
> transfer as such us is pure text. Can be mailed and so on.

You can use the unzip sfx mechanism for that; self-extracting zip.
Yes, sfx on unzip is a little perverse, but...
Binary file formats such as .exe files do tend to be easily transportable.

Pure Personal Opinion | HoffmanLabs LLC

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