[Info-vax] VSI and Process Software announcement

Phillip Helbig undress to reply helbig at asclothestro.multivax.de
Thu Sep 29 02:16:02 EDT 2016

In article <4zYGz.718697$lr2.237820 at fx16.ams1>, Dirk Munk <munk at home.nl>

> And it has been caused by the people of the US itself, by electing a 
> Democratic president, and then electing a Republican majority in both 
> houses of congress, and that majority had only one agenda, blocking 
> everything Obama wanted. Then indeed nothing gets done.

> Bernie is a great man, but that doesn't mean he would have been a great 
> president. Look at Jimmy Carter, also a great man, but not a very good 
> president. However, he certainly is the best ex-president the US ever 
> had, he used his position as ex-president of the US all over the world 
> to bring peace.

Wasn't Carter's main problem that he didn't have a majority in Congress?

> A highly respectable Republican statesman like Colin Powell can only 
> describe Trump as "A national disgrace, and an international pariah".

Colin Powell would have probably won the Republican nomination, right?

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