[Info-vax] Meditech in the news

Forster, Michael mforster at mcw.edu
Thu Jan 6 18:40:15 EST 2022

Oh so true and painful?

FYI and FWIW, GT.M is totally different variant than ISM and DSM versions of MUMPS.

Not knocking Arne's sharing.

M/11, ISM and DSM morphed into Intersystems' Cache which has morphed into Iris.

M/11 is the PDP-11 version that your boot tape was a combination of OS and MUMPS.

VIST/A is a presentation and abstraction layer between MUMPS and the programmers. Seems that they have dropped the "/" in the acronym for "Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA)". Or I might be confusing and "VA FileMan" being the data abstraction layer. You can search and find active use and versions for InterSystems Cache/IRIS on Linux at this point mostly.

Read or don't:

Michael Forster
Enterprise Database Administrator III
(Formerly Enterprise Storage and IDX Architect)
InterSystems Cache/ISM/DSM System Architect
Clinical Practice Services | Medical College of Wisconsin
O: (414) 955-4967 |  mforster at mcw.edu

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From: Info-vax <info-vax-bounces at rbnsn.com> On Behalf Of John Dallman via Info-vax
Sent: Thursday, January 6, 2022 5:16 PM
To: info-vax at rbnsn.com
Cc: John Dallman <jgd at cix.co.uk>
Subject: Re: [Info-vax] Meditech in the news

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In article <j3ohkpFrqsqU1 at mid.individual.net>, bill.gunshannon at gmail.com
(Bill Gunshannon) wrote:

> And, as far as I know, The VA is still running VISTA which is
> also an ANSI-M (otherwise known as MUMPS) application. I wonder
> if any of them are on VMS? If not, what are they running on and
> could VMS find away into that rather lucrative niche.

Probably not:

  "In May, 2018, the VA awarded a contract to Cerner Corp to replace
  VistA with the commercial off-the-shelf EHR, Cerner Millenium.
  Pilot implementations took place in the fall of 2020, and by November,
  24 million veteran health records had been migrated to the new
  platform. The projected completion for migration of all VA sites
  is 2028.[5]"


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