[Squaredancing] Question

Karl Springer bi434 at hotfootspin.com
Wed Jun 8 14:06:21 EDT 2005

On 8 Jun 2005 at 11:40 -0400, Dick Callander wrote, at least in 

>  Our club has  just recently  begin having single members or
> solos as they can be called. 
>     `My question is , What is the proper accepted way for a
> single lady to acquire a dance partner ? Should she sit on the
> sidelines and wait to be ask or simple stand in a square and
> wait for a man to fall in beside her ? 

Singles' Rotation works well in some clubs.  

One implementation is to have the solo dancers put their name on 
a Postit.  Divide the Postits into two groups, men and women.  
If the two groups are unequal in number, equalize by having  
dancers willing to dance "the other part" to do so.  If there's 
an odd number of dancers, make up a Postit for a sit out.  

Arrange the Postits into two columns; the dancers in each row 
are partners for a tip.  After each tip, move the bottom Postit 
from the women column to the top and move the others down one 


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