[Squaredancing] Experiments in Social Networking

Ken Robinson kenrbnsn at rbnsn.com
Tue Aug 7 22:34:25 EDT 2007

With all the Social Networking sites on the Internet, I've decide to 
try to use one to generate interest in Square Dancing for both 
current dancers and people who want to learn.

I've created a Meetup group named  "The Northern NJ Square Dancing 
Meetup Group". <http://squaredance.meetup.com/5/>

  I am going to try to use the group to announce both dances and 
lessons. Hopefully, I can get it to grow to a large enough group.

I also found two Square Dancing related groups on Facebook.com. One 
is for young people who like to dance and the other seems to be for 
everyone, but most members seem to be young (high school and college age)

I think that Square Dancing will benefit if start using these social 
networking sites to generate interest in our activity. And since most 
of the people who use these sites are young, this gives us an almost 
perfect way to get them into the activity.


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