[Squaredancing] Men looking like men... and women looking like women

David Ameeti david at ameeti.us
Sun Jul 8 19:59:03 EDT 2007

> Prefer to wear traditional dance clothing

That's what's great about activities such as ours... you have that right 
to choose.
> however in my real life would never wear a dress this 
> short, nevertheless with layers of petticoats along with
> petti-pants one can adapt.
Yes, we want an activity that people can adapt to -- they should be 
forced to adapt to our standards.  That's a reasonable expectation and a 
great way to encourge people to join us that otherwise would not.
> One of the nice things about dressing traditional is women look 
> like ladies and all the men gentlemen.
The funny part is that I've yet to have a problem identifying the women 
wearing pants -- they still look VERY feminine to me.  (Maybe I have a 
good eye for that sort of thing.)
> This is very good for the ID allowing both sexes to feel special.
Hmmm... what if they don't want to "feel special"?  What is they want to 
feel comfortable?

>   Be it feminine for the ladies along with masculine for the gentleman 
> makes for a healthy fun night out.
Here's the odd part... I think I can have a healthy night out without 
being told what to wear.  Maybe I'm going to different places.  I just 
thought it was the activity (and only the activity), not the dress 
attire that was the indicator of something being a "healthy night out".  
I guess I need to do more research.  (I wonder if I just dress like 
dancers, women in skirts & men in long-sleeved shirts, does that mean I 
don't actually need to do anything to be healthy -- 'cuz it's the 
clothing?)  I'm so confused.


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