[Squaredancing] Discussion on the National in Charlotte

Heinz D. Trost htrost at gmx.de
Fri Jul 13 01:15:34 EDT 2007

Mike et al,

> One problem I found was, on Wednesday night between 5 pm and 8 pm, there 
> was no dancing yet, no vendor halls to walk through (they weren't open 
> until Thursday) and NO FOOD COURTS OPEN.  I think somebody lost a big 
> opportunity to sell some food and make some money.

you're right,- almost only the Starbucks store was open on ground floor. 
I remember this because I slendered around and thought why on the earth 
people are willing to pay three to five Dollars (=work up to an hour) 
just for a cup of coffee ...

I believe that all organizers of the 56th did hope or expect that all 
present people would attend the buffet & show event which was running 
from 5 pm till 8:30 pm.


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