[Squaredancing] Theme Dances

Heinz D. Trost htrost at gmx.de
Sun Jul 15 05:15:24 EDT 2007


> 1.  How often should a club have a Theme Dance?
>      Monthly
>      Semi Monthly
>      Other

E.g. in the years when we don't have a class (but have some workshop 
tips between) from our experience it's a good thing to have a monthly 
"just dancing - workshop-free" - this also is possible if we do have a 
very orderly class which is perfect in timing, too. (It's hard to say, 
but our last two classes were absolute out of any timing...)

For all other circumstances:
At a very few possibilities. This, because dancers usually attend club 
dance nights to get dance, and some workshop tips. Also always the 
biggest problem is, that all theme dances do need time and 
men/womenpower for invitiations, preparations, decorations, additional 
time for the clean-up, transportation and a storage for the used 
materials. The most heavy part IMHO is that all the work usually is done 
by just a very few club people, mostly the board officers, but usually 
the same from theme dance to theme dance. A very few do work, the 
majority just will dance.

> 2.  How involved do you feel the dancers get?
>      Own club participations
>      Everyone to include visitors
>      Other

For theme dances we do invite our members and e.g. the leaders of two 
other round dance clubs in our area. In some cases I also put the 
information on the internet site of our club, too. We don't make more 
promotions because our weekly dance space is limited and it's just 
enough for our own dancers and a smaller number of guests (floor will be 
overcrowed if attended from more that e.g. 35 couples, I believe).

> 3.  Do you think it draws visitors?


But guest dancers: Usually a few. In the case of our annual Mardi Gras 
dance we can expect at least eight to twenty dancers from a partner club 
every year. This because at this day this club can't dance on their 
regular dance location. A few from other clubs, too.

> 4.  Do the clubs include the caller/Cuer?
>      Music
>      Costume

For the music yes

> 5.  What kinds of themes do you use?
>      Annual

Mardi Gras dance (because it's on Tuesday night before ash wednesday)

>      Just for fun

e.g. upcoming club dance night will be an "OSKAR" night. Nominated are:
Our club cuer, her cueing husband, our vice-club cuer and her cueing and 
calling husband.

I don't know what will be go on this Tuesday night. I just know for 
sure: The event will end at 10:00 pm with everybody in the circle 
(friendship ring) singing the friendship song in English and German.

> 6.  Do the clubs offer prizes for best costume?

at Mardi Gras dance: Yes

>      Who is responsible for decision?

Usually the club officers.

> 7.  Should the Caller/Cuer assume some?
>      Patriotic/Valentines/Christmas/Halloween/Irish?

In general on theme dances I expect that she will offer more easy stuff, 
so almost all dancers should be able to dance most time and e.g. the 
music at Mardi Gras should be more happy and humorous.

We don't dance at our club Christmas party. (Some other clubs do).

Webmaster e.g. of "http://www.the-survivors.de"

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