[Squaredancing] Re: 54th NSDC on Jay Leno

ljknews ljknews at mac.com
Thu Jul 21 11:15:31 EDT 2005

At 7:31 AM -0700 7/21/05, Gary M. Darcy wrote:

>too, in that some of our younger dancers made it to camera.  The negative, as I saw 
>it, was that the majority of dancers were up there in the years.  This, in my mind, 
>made square dancing look like more of a senior's activity, rather than an all-age 
>group activity for families.

Of course it was naturally the subset of square dancers who can afford
to (and choose to) travel to Oregon.  For me the piece solidified my
(negative) reaction to US national square dancing conventions.  Remember
those are the events that publicize that you _must_ wear funny clothes.
Larry Kilgallen

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