[Squaredancing] Topic: Too many "Weave The Ring"s

M0220sr at aol.com M0220sr at aol.com
Thu Aug 3 08:39:48 EDT 2006

(Background:  Called in the  '70s-'80s, club caller for teen club for four 
years, square dancer since June  1974. Started round dancing in the '80s. Now 
square  and round dance, cuer/instructor for round dancing for over 10  years.)
I am opening this topic because no matter what dance I  go to (local or out 
of town)  I feel that there are entirely too many  singing calls with Weave The 
Ring figures in singing call choreography. Can't  composers of singing calls 
put more creative figures in their work other than  Weave The Ring?  
At your club your great caller/teacher does a  wonderful job on his/her 
dance, right? You like your caller(s), fine people, fun  to be with, and most 
callers mix up the figures and deliver the calls in a  smooth flowing manner so 
that you can dance all night and never get tired.   Lots of fun...as far as the 
Then comes the singing calls.  Weave The Ring,  Weave The Ring, Weave The 
Ring.  Time after time, just about every  tip.  
Dancers like variety. They don't want to do Weave The  Rings all night long 
on the singing calls. 
Perhaps it would help a lot if the singing  calls could be chosen before the 
dance or at the beginning when the equipment is  set up. If that is not a 
likeable idea then at least change the  opening-middle-closer routine on every 
other singing call to eliminate the  "seemingly" constant Weave The Rings in them.
We love to square and round dance.  My wife  and I are up for the majority of 
tips every dance we go to. We like the callers  who call and the cuers who 
The only reason for writing this is because a lot of  our friends have 
expressed similar comments as those above and I thought I would  post those feelings 
here to see how you felt about it.
Thank you.
Richard Matthews
PS: Next time you go to a dance, count the  number of singing calls with 
Weave The Ring in them. You will always have more  than those without per dance.
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