[Squaredancing] Topic: Too many "Weave The Ring"s

NShukayr at aol.com NShukayr at aol.com
Thu Aug 3 14:28:47 EDT 2006

A lady in the San Francisco Bay area vehemently hated the combination "Four  
Ladies Chain, Four Ladies Chain".  She loudly complained every time it was  
called.  After several months of this, whenever this combination was called  
dancers would all shout together "MAGGIE SPECIAL!!".  Sooner or  later it got to 
where the callers could actually call "Maggie Special" and  the dancers would 
do a Four Ladies Chain, Four Ladies Chain!
So it sounds to me that people need to holler "Richard Special!!" whenever  
Weave the Ring is called.  That could be a fun way for callers to gradually  
become aware that some dancers do not care for this particular call.   Callers 
certainly cannot guess by ESP what dancers like.
Another possible solution is to approach a caller before a dance starts and  
say "we'd like to see how many different singing call breaks you can call 
which  do NOT include Weave the Ring".
Or, approach the caller after the second tip and say "we had a vote and  
we've already danced enough Weave the Rings for an entire evening.  So we  want to 
see what else you've got in the Singing Call Breaks department!"
The point is, if dancers do not make their preferences known, callers will  
never know dancers' preferences!
  Nasser "will not call quite as many Weave the Rings on October 14th"  
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